BLOG EMMA MORANO Emma Morano was at the age of 114 years when I took this picture in 2013. At the time of her death she was the oldest living woman in the world and the last living person to have been


BLOG ENRICO VANZINI 99 years old last Italian Sonderkommando. Enrico didn't tell anyone his secret for 60 years. He is the last Italian Sonderkommando still alive today from Dachau concentration Camp. Thank you Enrico for the wonderful day with you. VIEW


BLOG THE ALPINI The name Alpini means literally “alpines, people from the Alps”. These special mountain troops were officially born in the 1872. Their original mission was to protect the country of Italy from the enemies arriving from the North. The soldiers


BLOG OLD SCHOOL Maria and Bepi Plessin have been living together for over fifty years. They work and live in Poscolle, an isolated but beautiful place located between the mountain borders of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. It is a hard life, but

2022-05-01T16:42:26+02:001 Maggio 2022|